Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Welcoming letter to the Minister of Interior, Alhaji Hon. Mai Fatty!

Dear Hon. Fatty,

It indeed a greatest pleasure and honor to write to you once more again. I would also like to take this golden opportunity to climb on top of mountain Everest to pray to Allah S.W.T to accept your hajj, and give you the strength to execute your duties and responsibilities as per your TOR.

I have been following your activities in the Interior Ministry with keen interest of late and I think I must be honest to tell you this.

Despite the numerous media-driven decisions and actions you have been displaying, you have done something worthy of commendation.

My only appeal is that you change your ways in order to stay in the hot seat for long, in a way that you would not be consumed by the law.

I am not a praise singer neither an opportunist for someone to assume that I am only raining praises on you for a courtesy.

Even if I am, the Prophet of Islam Mohammed (SAW) said, "Man laa yashkurannasa laa yashkurallah" (He who fails to appreciate the efforts of man, fails to appreciate the kindness of Allah). So even if I do that, I might not be wrong on the face of Islam.

But I will be the first to point it out to you if you do what I think is not right, unconstitutional, unethical and undemocratic.

Many have labelled me as an anti-government, anti-success and harmony but that will not stop me from what I think is right or wrong. Whichever way it goes, I will say it as far beyond mountain Kilimanjaro, if need be to cross the red sea I will do so without wasting any iota of time.
I'm not an enemy to the state, all I want is to see a better Gambia that would one day be the last place of hope on earth!

Now on the substantive issue.

After your appointment as the Minister of Interior, I wrote an article on both the print and online media, addressing my own criticisms and total dissatisfaction with highlighting on the way and manner you swiftly took to the media, issuing threats and warnings here and there.

The article was titled ‘Foni is not the problem’. In the said article, I narrated the comments you had made in the media and how detrimental I felt they could be to you in your pursuit of excellence at the noble Interior Ministry.

I also reminded you of your comments ‘you either obey the law or be consumed by the law’ as to how careful you should be with the portfolio to avoid failure, disappointment and sinking like the great Titanic.

Whether you took them with an open mind or otherwise, I think I had to draw your attention in order not to fall in the pit your predecessors fell in.

Alhagie, I have not fallen in love with you but I like something you have done and for the fact that you seem to be interested in national development, and that is what is gradually attracting my love for you.

However, the major reason for my sudden admiration for you is your word of apology you did to all Gambians before embarking on hajj to the Islamic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mecca.

I remember you once said on GRTS that you will work harder to ensure that there are no crime, rape and armed robbery recorded in the smiling coast of Africa, Gambia.

I am also aware of the numerous meetings you have been holding with the leadership of the various communities to ensure the stability of peace in The Gambia.

But the raw truth is that, despite all the efforts you are putting in to lift the ministry, if you continue with the administrative hiccups, glitches, and malfunctions they will take away the shine from what you are doing.

I know as human as you are, you will make some mistakes in your execution of duty. But your ability to minimize those mistakes indicates the kind of leader you are.

My Suggestion

Alhaji, I will, hence suggest that you adopt the following to help your day to day running of the prestigious Interior Ministry.

  1. Limit your media talks.
  2. Appoint a communications officer in the Ministry through the PMO to do the talking.
  3. Keep Goals Clear, Focused and incentivize employees
  4. Strengthen your interactions with the stakeholders to avoid occurrence of what happened during the Kanilai incident.
  5. Don't be afraid to delegate and always communicate effectively
  6. Don’t ever assume, investigate before you act.
  7. Cut out the excess and embrace telecommuting.

Gambia belongs to the Gambians both those home and abroad, through dialogue we can make The Gambia great!!

Yours sincerely,

Saidina Alieu Jarjou


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