Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Thank You Letter To My Senior School Teacher, Malick AKF. Kanatuh.

Dear Mr. Kanatuh,

Please be reminded that I came to Nusrat Senior Secondary School as a village boy from a village where you hardly see a student attending Nusrat then, due the educational level in the village.

During those days I came to knew one of the stubbornness student Ousainou as I was stubborn too. We formulate our own rules to an extent we don’t consider school rules as rules. We go to school and go home at any time we feel like. At that time we used to go to school with two uniforms both that of the afternoon shift and that of the morning shift too. Which made it difficult for Pa Manka the caretaker to trace our identity may his soul RIP. I don’t remember how many times I paid the school bus.

At that time also Ahmad Gitteh was our head boy who find it difficult to execute his duties and responsibilities as a head boy. As we don’t took orders from him especially if we came to school with shoes that  are not allowed by the school administration. I remember when he told me “Ndokeah nene mang iteah moh sifa jeah jang”.

I recall in my grade 10 when I failed my exam wore fully. A good Teacher you were you called me and advised me on the importance of education that I need to change my behavior to meet the Nusrat standard in order to remain in the school. You told me “Alieu I know that you are intelligent but you are stubborn and I’m sure if you change you will excel higher high”.

You did everything possible to have my Dad’s number whom you will called always to know if I read at home.

I remember when Modou lamin Sanneh also, came to me and said Alieu don’t follow charreh as his parent provided him with a study teacher. Therefore you have to know what is beneficial to you. You are very intelligent and I’m sure you can make it up if you change.

Little did I knew that despite of Ousainou stubbornness he had a study teacher at home as a result he always passed all his exams with flying colors. Of recent Ousainou is now in Taiwan persuing his MBA, I am proud of him though.

It is in that regard I write to you to show the whole world how you transformed my life from being a radical to the person I’m today.

Please be informed that I am lucky to have the best teacher in this world. Wherever I may go in my life, I will always remember that I had an excellent guide in the form of a teacher, you.

Thank you for your guidance, friendship, and even for your discipline. I learned that I am strongest when I recognize what yet is weak and how I might best develop those parts of my character. Thank you for taking the time to be my friend and my mentor.

Every day you came to school with a smile on your face and a kind word for all of your students. That means a lot. Your love of learning ignited our own curiosity and made learning much more fun! You taught us all to appreciate clarity of mind through proper writing form and how to pay attention to the bigger picture. You will never know how much your guidance has helped me, but I wanted you to know that you have made a big difference in my life.

Thank you for creating an environment of enthusiasm for learning, appreciation for growing, and room for making mistakes along the way. I am grateful to have you as a guide, leading by example.

I still challenge you to motivate other stubborn student in your current school as you did to me. May Allah SWT continue to guide and protect you. Amen!

Best regards,
Saidina Alieu Jarjou

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