Thursday, 29 June 2017


President Wade has advanced a liberal agenda for Senegal, including privatizations and other market-opening measures. He has a strong interest in raising Senegal's regional and international profile. The country, nevertheless, has limited means with which to implement ambitious ideas. The liberalization of the economy was proceeding, but at a slow pace. Senegal continues to play a significant role in regional and international organizations.

The intensity of the conflict has varied over the years. Occasionally there have been violent flare-ups. The areas in which armed robberies/attacks take place have also changed over the course of time. Up until 2000, for example, most of the Kolda region was not an area in which attacks took place. Increasing frequency of cattle rustling and banditry from bands of armed people who routinely fled into Guinea-Bissau resulted in closure of the border with Guinea-Bissau in September 2000.

Throughout the history of the insurgency, there have been few incidents of fighting within the city of Ziguinchor and the resort area of Cap Skirring. In recent years, however, rural areas have been the sites of sporadic violent attacks on Senegalese military and civilian personnel and, on rare occasions, tourists.

The conflict has taken a hard toll on the population living in the Casamance. Normal means of livelihood (rice farming, other agricultural activities, etc.) are no longer possible for a high percentage of the population who no longer have access to their land or who have lost materials due to theft. Normal markets have been disrupted, and many normal services (such as financial services, health posts, schools) have been suspended or ended.

In December 2000, the Government issued a general warning to the national press that the dissemination of communications from the MFDC would be considered attempts to derail the Casamance peace process and would be prosecuted under the Penal Code. On the same day, the publisher and managing editor of the newspaper Le Populaire were summoned and interrogated for 7 hours by the criminal investigation division after the newspaper published a review of the 19-year-old Casamance conflict; 3 days later, they were arrested and then released on the same day after being charged with "disseminating false news and undermining public security." In January 2001 the cases were dropped.

Sporadic fighting continued during 2001 in the Casamance area in the southern part of the country between the Government and the secessionist Movement of Democratic Forces in the Casamance (MFDC). The incidence of violence in the Casamance region increased during the year, particularly in June and July, and reportedly resulted in some deaths. The military zone commander for the Casamance region made an effort during the year to reduce the number of human rights abuses committed by security forces under his command. During 2001, the press continued to report on frequent small arms attacks, raids, ambushes, and clashes with military forces by suspected MFDC gunmen, with continuing military and civilian fatalities. In March 2001 the Government and the MFDC signed two peace agreements designed to end the 20-year insurgency; however, these agreements were ineffective and fighting continued in Casamance. Following a change in MFDC leadership in August 2001, new talks were proposed but had not taken place by year's end.

Duirng 2001 Human rights NGO's in Casamance reported a decrease in the number of detentions of suspected MFDC rebels reported by local families; however, in January Amnesty International reported that 30 MFDC sympathizers remained in detention in Dakar and Kolda without trial. According to Amnesty International, the sympathizers were arrested in 2000 because of their Diola ethnic origin; they were charged with compromising state security, but no evidence was provided of their involvement in any acts of violence. Following the signing of a peace accord with the MFDC on March 16, on March 19, the Government released 16 of these prisoners; the remaining 14 prisoners remained in detention at year's end.

To be continued………

By: Saidina Alieu Jarjou

Blogger/ Activist   

Open Letter To Prof. Lamine Conteh, The US. Fraud examiner

Professor (commonly abbreviated as Prof.) is an academic rank at universities and other post-secondary education and research institutions of higher education in parts of the world. Therefore it needs hard work, dedication, loyalty, commitment and devotion to earn such a prestigious achievement in the 21st century.

It is in that not I write to inform you that you are in the wrong, erroneous, wide of the mark direction.  However professors are not Jinn’s but at list they are expected to serve as role models especially to the youth rather than been a person that will undermine and poison the minds of the youth.

Professor to be frank with you I am extremely disappointed, saddened, dissatisfied, upset, disenchanted, thwarted and let down as per your recent allegation on Hon. Mai Ahmad Fatty the  Minister of interior. Please be informed that too, I am not a member of the GMC neither UDP party. Despite of our difference in political ideology that doesn’t mean that I have to swallow all data.

On 26th June at 10:56 pm as per your Face book post “How could Mai Fatty purchase a D10,000,000 house when he only earned D50,000 x 6 = D300,000 from January to June? Comrades, Mai Fatty should answer to how he acquired this money because there is no paper trail from a bank loan”.

Prof. Conteh as a fraud examiner as you claimed to be one, you have every reason to discuss potential fraud issue. But it is also fair to give Hon. Mai Fatty the benefit of the doubt until when he declares his assets. And I am pretty sure that the source of purchase would be included in the assets declaration form if your allegation is true.

There should not be any jumping to conclusions on issues like this unless there is irrefutable proof of purchase. Rumors including unfounded ones are rife in this country these days which can lead to conflict if not properly managed. One needs to act with caution accusations such as this one should be taken with a pinch of salt in the atmosphere of character assassinations prevalent in our country. My advice on this case will be not to over speed. If I were Prof I would have wait for the assets declaration deadline of July.

I am not surprise of Mai, but I am surprised of a PhD holder, accounting lecturer and a certified fraud examiner who verify information openly without single evidence. Prof. Conteh If you really mean of your acquisition without proof then am having pity, mercy and misfortune for your students at the university.

For now I think Mai fatty will not be that naive to involve in such? As his life and movements are under the microscope for scrutiny. I don’t know why are you in a rush to report such a story when you are vying for presidency. What goes around comes around. Therefore do on to others as you expect them to do on to you Prof.

I will also recommend to you that never call for demonstration say what you want people to know but don’t call for demonstration please for God in heaven sake. Calling for people to take to the street can be illegal if mathematically interpreted wrongly. It is also an offense that is in black and white if it turns to deadly and you will be held responsible.

The question one might be quick to ask will be?  When did he Mai bought the house? Who did he buy it from? Where is the house located? How was the payment made? Whose name is in the house as the owner? Do you have any paper evidences that Mai bought that house and at that price? How can you call for people to demonstrate when all your allegations are based on hearsay? How credible are your sources? Why are they leaking this information to you and not the relevant authorities on the ground? Or even the private the media?

Prof. Conteh, are you still not convinced that there is an assets declaration to be made by President Barrow's ministers latest by July 15, 2017. Thus, it is prudent to safe your arguments until such a time.

On 27 June at 12:15am your letter address to Mai Fatty which reads

Dear Hon Mai Fatty,
According to three independent sources, you have purchased a D10,000,000 house in the Gambia. I have posted this on Face book to enable you to refute the purchase.
As a fraud examiner, I have an obligation to substantiate the denial of this purchase. In other to provide authenticity to your denial, I request that you provide documentation if you are renting the property. As a result of a rental agreement, you should provide the date and any receipts and payments to a payee from the beginning rental date to June 5, 2017.
Sincerely, Dr. Lamine Jassey Conteh”

I don’t think you understand the concept of politics. We have enough media outlets and journalists to investigate and even report on such allegations. Mai will never respond to these childish allegations of yours. If you thinks that a so called leader of a political party in the making should be ranting on face book like a teenager you must be under the weather in the head.

I am sure of that during your tenure to professorship and being a fraud examiner you haven’t came across the guideline of investigation. I will advise you to be familiar acquainted and conversant, with these key points below.

1.      Decide whether to investigate. ...
2.      Take immediate action, if necessary. ...
3.      Choose an investigator. ...
4.      Plan the investigation. ...
5.      Conduct interviews. ...
6.      Gather documents and other evidence. ...
7.      Evaluate the evidence. ...
8.      Take action

Thank you!!

By: Saidina Alieu Jarjou
Blogger/ Activist

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Re: “ You Either Obey The Law Or Be Consumed By The Law”

This statement can be a threat to the Gambia’s newly born democracy, if mathematically calculated wrongly? 

You can send a person to the highest prison as far beyond Pluto but you cannot imprison his/her mind. Therefore Jail is not the end solution to maintain peace and stability in the smiling coast of Africa.

"There is a higher court than courts of justice, and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts." - Mahatma Gandhi

The Gambia belongs to The Gambians both those home and abroad. Therefore in rebuilding a new Gambia we dream all stakeholders should be involved and place the countries interest first beyond everything.

The authorities have pressing issues to fix as this is not the Gambia we dream neither The Gambia we want to see, where the police are fought as a result of arresting the drug dealers, where teenagers are raped, where crime rate and arm robbery increases, where view of political differences end at fighting, where people go to bead without peaceful mind as a result of thieves.

Crime is a man made phenomena, and it can be prevented. There for as a concern Gambian citizen I think it is quiet necessary and important to contribute my quota in insuring the Gambia the last place of hope and peace on earth. In maintaining peace and order we might not need to invite Socrates or Aristotle to help us the way out. The Gambia is blessed with a youth full population who are great thinkers whom I believe can make a change too. Let’s engage them, despite the fact that The Gambia is small in size but we have youth with big brains.

Crime also occurs as a result of reminding the incident after the abiding element disappears; therefore the minds of the people need to be fight through dialogue and counseling.

To combat these local conflicts, I will recommend the authorities to work with the civic societies to introduced Village Peace Committees, as a grassroots peacemaking program, that will invited Imam’s and Pastors to join the program. To discussed love, forgiveness and reconciliation. Eventually, after the end of the program the pastors and Imams will go back to preach peace and love at their various churches, mosques and communities.

In which people will be ready to forgive each other despite of their grievances and everything will start to come together.  In addition to this training, the Pastors and Imams in the program will preach at one another's congregations. As such will enable the pastors and imams to be like, light which will be shining in the community as such will enable The Gambians to be like friends.

School should be encouraged to form peace clubs whose ultimate objective shall be to preach peace, love and the effect of conflict, war and tribalism in a nation.

To set up community forums, teach-ins and panels, to educate the public, to air out differing opinions and to force politicians to go on the record with their beliefs. Table at community events. Write and circulate flyers, with information on the issue, lobbying and contact information, publicizing events or putting out powerful graphic images.

Circulate petitions that can then be used both to notify people of future events (and to recruit volunteers to help organize them!) and to lobby elected officials or other prominent community figures. Also take out ads in both radios and newspapers.

To be continued……

By: Saidina Alieu Jarjou
Activist/ Blogger


The Kenya's post-election violence took place in January and February, 2008. The fighting resulted in 1,133 casualties, at least 350,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs), approximately 2,000 refugees, significant, but unknown, numbers of sexual violence victims, and the destruction of 117,216 private properties and 491 government-owned properties including offices, vehicles, health centers and schools.

Let me finish by saying that if our Foni society permitted to do what their brain was capable of doing: their incredible entrepreneur skills, needed to make our society achieve development, happiness and living in peace and meaningful life.

“People who sow seeds of discord by preaching tribalism, racism and religious misunderstanding should find another place to go.” They don’t deserve to live with us at all and they are a threat to humanity, peace and global security.
My brothers and Sisters we don’t have anything. The only thing we have is Foni, therefore let’s re-built Foni, let make Foni great again.
Is that the Foni we want to see which attract the attention of the media?
Oh. Foni, Oh my people is that the Foni we dream? Let’s re-unite, let’s re-built Foni. Through dialogue we can restore our lost victory we are known for which unionism.   
Foni doesn’t belong to a Mandinka neither a Fula nor a Jola, but belongs to all tribes both those home and abroad.
Politics is over let’s heal the wounds and work together for a better Foni. Let’s us not see one another as enemies but rather brothers and sisters. Let’s the past incident be a thing of the past.

Peace is the only religion for both man and the universe. In a peaceful environment all good things are possible, whereas in the absence of peace, we cannot achieve anything of a positive nature, either as individuals, or as a community, or even at a national or international level.

In such a situation, the question arises as to how peace is to be established in society? The only answer is the magic three-lettered word: Sabr (patience). Sabr is the key to having a peaceful society. A peaceful society requires avoidance of friction, tolerance, positive thinking, and the ability to retain one’s emotional equilibrium, even when provoked.

Peace is a product of a positive mental attitude, while violence is the result of negative thinking. Peace is the natural state of society; violence is an unnatural state. Peace is as much in accordance with nature’s plan as violence is against it. When peaceful conditions prevail in a society all activities take place in their proper form. But if the atmosphere of peace is disturbed, the normal functioning of society is disrupted. This law applies to man, as well as to the entire universe.

I encourage you to see yourselves as multipliers and peer leaders in peace-building activities, as well as agents for dialogue and inclusion in your various communities.

I hope that we will be messengers for the peace we want, and advocates and pioneers for the projects and initiatives that can make a difference  in rebuilding a new Foni we want.

When I look at Foni, I see the youth who are armed with Bazookas and AK47s ready and determined to fight against the enemy of peace across the length and breadth.

I pray to God to guide and protect Foni from the cast of evil spirit. Amen!!

Long Live Foni!!


Wednesday, 7 June 2017


Kanilai bigot the unusual as a bitter confrontation between the peaceful protesters and Senegalise soldiers at the entrance of the village letting to blood shell. Resident of the rural settlement and the Foni environs demanding the immediate evacuation of both the Gambian and Senegalese soldiers in Kanilai.

The protesters were shot on their route to Kanfenda resulting to 5 civilians sustaining injures 3 were said to be in critical condition and one fatal, by the name Mr. Haruna Jatta as a result of gunshot . Who was laid to rest on the 06th June, 2017 in his native village Kanilai. May his soul rest in perfect peace. Ameem!!.

It was narrated that the ECOMIG soldiers from Senegal were informed to shoot the protesters as they are rebels from Cassamance? If that is true then it is complete idiocy to allow any nation, regardless of the external generosity to fight their enemy within your land, and knowing very well and with supreme belief that the aftermath can be life threatening.

The narrow minded would say “who cares” its Jammeh’s home this issue is not a Jammeh’s issue neither Kanilai issue nor Foni issue. It is a national issue despite of our political differences because any weapon that is aimed at the Senegalese is a potential harm to our mother land.

The Casamance Conflict is a low-level conflict that has been waged between the Government of Senegal and the Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC) since 1982. If the Senegalese are really serious to end the conflict in Cassamance, the barrel of the gun is not the solution to end the situation. It is through dialogue that the situation can be remedy.

The intolerance and lack of respect for one another among Africans combined to invite trouble in Africa. Africans are killing each other and destroying the continent's resources all because of these leaders' power hunger. It is enough to mention the gun rule and slaughtering of people in Liberia and Sierra Leone, and killing of innocent civilians in Cassamance (southern Senegal) among others. These indicate that African leaders are themselves responsible for Africa's underdevelopment and political mayhem. With this era of political ignorance and naivety occupying Africa, there is more than ever need for a continent, indeed a world, without leaders or political borders.

Many will asked this question. Why the heavy deployment of soldiers in one part of the country concisely Foni stuck in the minds of most Gambians?

To protest again external forces is not a crime as it happened in Congo, Haiti and many more, but the protesters were not shot to death.

In Senegal we learnt that the number of protest occurred is uncountable but none of the protesters were shot to death with a life bullet. All what they will do is to use tear gas, rubber bullet and hot water. But why on the Fonika’s?

Also if protesters were armed and with weapons, how came only civilians were injured and killed? Secondly the Fonika’s are not the Zulu tribe of South Africa who move and sleep with traditional weapons.

The question one might ask will be why the ECOMIG forces whose purpose is to maintain peace and stability in the country should fire a single bullet neither to shoot protesters.

To resolve the political violence, accountability, social, justice, transparency rule of law, gender equality and due process must guide governance and leadership in The Gambia.

The real trick to good governance is to place the needs of the masses above everything else; to lead not just with words but with action. Actions define priorities. It’s the only way the Barrow administration can successfully bring us the long sought dividend of democracy.

Electoral reforms must also include other things such as mass education through the national council for civic education.

The authorities should be frequently talking to the nation, visiting places and respond to people concern. You cannot run a government or public institution as your property; rules and regulation of leadership should be followed to minimize defects.

The ministry of interior as part of its responsibilities but not limited to responsible for the Gambia Department of Immigration, visas, the Police Force, running the Prison Service and registering NGOs. Should also place a surveillance to detect crimes and conflict before occurring. 

In rebuilding a new Gambia we want. Policies should be re-written and all criminals despite of their political party, tribe, religion and position should be treated equally in front of the laws of the land. As per our national anthem “let justice guide our action towards the common goal”

To be continued…


Tuesday, 6 June 2017


In a February 1998 report, Amnesty International (AI) alleged that several mass graves for victims of extrajudicial killings exist in Niaguis and at Niamalang bridge. According to AI, an unknown number of civilians have been killed by civilian authorities or soldiers and have been buried secretly in these mass graves since the early 1990's. There has been no independent confirmation of these allegations.
Sporadic fighting continued through 1999 in the Casamance area in the southern part of the country between the Government and the secessionist Movement of Democratic Forces in the Casamance (MFDC). In January the Government and the leadership of the MFDC began a new peace initiative with a meeting between President Diouf and MFDC head Abbe Augustine Diamacoune Senghor. The MFDC leadership then held a conference--the "days of reflection"--in Banjul, the Gambia, in June 1999 to develop a unified position for advancing the peace process.

In its annual report published in July 1999, African Assembly for the Defense of Human Rights (RADDHO - a local human rights organization) alleged that MFDC rebels were responsible for the widespread and indiscriminate use of land mines in the Casamance. According to RADDHO the rebels planted the mines in an effort to terrorize both the government security forces and the civilian population. Although it was difficult to determine the extent of their use in the Casamance, RADDHO claimed that up to 80 percent of the arable land in the areas of Ziguinchor, Sedhiou, Oussouy, and Bignona were unusable due to the land mines. RADDHO also estimated that between 1997 and 1998 land mines killed and injured some 500 civilians in the Casamance.

On 12 February 1999, the Government released 123 suspected MFDC members who had been detained in Dakar, Ziguinchor, and Kolda without trial, some for several years, on grounds of compromising or plotting against the security of the State. The courts ordered their release following the January 1999 meeting between President Diouf and MFDC leader Abbe Diamacoune, which was the beginning of an effort to establish a peace process in the Casamance. The MFDC had demanded the release of all political detainees in connection with the Casamance conflict as a condition for dialog. According to the AI report issued in June 1999, 110 suspected MFDC rebels remained without trial in prisons throughout the country; however, on 30 December 1999 the Government released 44 persons who had been detained in connection with the Casamance conflict.

The internal talks of the rebellion movement hosted in Banjul during June and July 1999, marked an historic turning point for the Casamance peace settlement process which seeks to end the conflict in this region. These talks and the end of the crisis in neighboring Guinea-Bissau have helped pave the way for direct peace negotiations between the GOS and the MFDC during late December 1999.

On 26 December 1999, the Government and MFDC leaders met in the Gambia to begin negotiations on the future of the Casamance. During these talks, the two parties agreed to an immediate ceasefire in the Casamance. The parties also agreed to meet face to face at least once a month to negotiate a peaceful future for the region. At year's end, neither side had a concrete proposal to bring to the negotiating table; however, the parties developed a framework for discussion.

President Wade said he wanted to meet with rebel leaders to hammer out a broader peace agreement. But despite the truce, hard-core elements of the MFDC's armed wing have continued to fight, even attempting to disrupt Senegal's presidential election in February 2000. The militant wing of the MFDC is committed to independence at any cost.

To be continued……………


Alias Dr.ABS Taal Jr.


I was very astounded, disturbed and irritated beyond all human survival, when I log on to YouTube and saw the video purposely meant to preach tribalism.
It is in that note I write with dismay to condemn and register my total dissatisfaction as per Sister  Binta Goudiaby video on YouTube, where she preaches tribalism.

The aforesaid immorality YouTube video was a hateful fabrication of intolerable huge lies, extreme dislike, deep-rooted academic and intellectual suicide, calculated and intended to portray the noble Jola tribe in bad light, and to maliciously destroy the dignity and impeccable integrity, which the Jola tribe is known for centuries ago.

I Saidina, being a Jola, the son of Foni, ancestors from Cassamance and my mother a Mandinka from Badibou, Farafenni will not waste time to refute any statement that will encourage and preach tribalism within us The Gambians and across.
Hate speech and tribalism will not solve a problem. It is only through dialogue; reasoning and critical thinking can help remedy the situation. It is arguable that the negative effects of tribalism permeate all African countries. Millions have been killed, maimed or displaced in civil wars in sub-Sahara Africa over the past 50 years, mostly because of tribal agitation. Most of us are living witnesses to the carnage that occurred in Rwanda and is still going on in Somalia. These countries have fallen into the abyss mainly because of tribalism.

It is my wish, now that the wars are coming to an end, to live happily in peace. All mortals from now shall live like one people, united and peacefully working forwards a common prosperity. You should regard the whole world as your country – a country where the best govern-, with common laws and no racial distinctions. I do not separate people as many narrow minded others do, I'm not interested in the origin or race of citizens. I only distinguish them on the basis of their virtue.

Let me finish saying that if our Gambia society permitted to do what their brain was capable of doing: their incredible entrepreneur skills, needed to make our society achieve development, happiness and living in peace and meaningful life. Moreover, it is the 21st century- no need any more to belief or relay as a social security: tribalism, fake ancestral lands; with that in mind- whether or not we are conscious of it, the alternative or choice is divisions, conflict, repeatable miserable gibberish refugee life

NB: Binta is not representing the noble Jola tribe nor the Fonika’s neither Cassamance on this particular issue. She is representing herself.

Finally, I wish to inform all Jola’s to restrain from any mean of conflict and violence. The Gambia belongs to us The Gambian's both those home and abroad.

I dream of The Gambia where one day her citizens will continue to live as a family, where the joking relationship will buried the menace of tribalism.

God save The Gambia!!

Activist/ Blogger