Monday, 6 February 2017


To:       All Traffic Police Officers

From:   Saidina Alieu Jarjou

Date:   06th February, 2017  
Please be reminded that as part of your duties being generally charged with the apprehension of criminals, the prevention and detection of crime, protection and assistance of the general public, and the maintenance of public order.

Some police officers are also  trained in special duties, such as counter-terrorism, surveillance, child protection, VIP protection, civil law enforcement, and investigation techniques into major crime including fraud, rape, murder, and drug trafficking. Although many police officers wear a corresponding uniform, some police officers are plain-clothed in order to dissimulate as ordinary citizens.

It is in that regards I write to remind you that there is an urgent need to understand the difference between no stopping and no parking.

A "NO PARKING" sign means you can't park, but you can drop off or pick up passengers or goods without leaving your vehicle (i.e. you must be within three meters of your vehicle). You must attend to your business promptly (within two minutes of stopping your vehicle).

A “NO STOPPING” signs mean that you cannot stop for any reason to drop off or pick up passengers, to wait for people to arrive, or to load or unload merchandise.

Many times the drivers are being penalized asper the misinterpretation I therefore appeal to all traffic police to consult a dictionary to be conversant with the above caption to minimize defect.

“The toilets at a local police station have been stolen. Police say they have nothing to go on”. (Ronnie Barker)

    Thank you!!


Nusrat Senior Secondary School is one of the many educational institutions run in various African countries by the worldwide Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih-III (third successor to the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam) laid the foundation on 4th May, 1970.As an internationally renowned centre for excellence, Nusrat attracts a large number of students and teachers from all over the continent.

Nusrat also attracts the best and the brightest students from across the country. Below are some reasons to why should apply to Nusrat Senior Secondary School:

1. Globally renowned: Nusrat is very well-known and renowned school in The Gambia. Students across the country have chosen this school to pursue their desired course ranging from commerce, arts and science. It has a world-class reputation for academic excellence.

2. Accessible to all students: Nusrat is accessible to all students of talent and great minds and abilities, whatever their background. All talented and bright students are eligible to apply to this school. The generous Nusrat school fee ensures that finance should not be a barrier to any students who wants to apply to Nusrat.

3. Teaching through tutorial system: Nusrat is one of such schools in The Gambia that provides teaching through tutorial system. Schools follow this pattern in all departments to impart quality education to students. This pattern enables teachers to give more individual attention while teaching to their students. Teachers offer tailored education to their students (Nusrat part finder).

4. Subject experts: Many teachers at Nusrat are well known experts of their chosen fields. Their engagement with research enables students to have an advanced understanding of their subject discipline. Their knowledge and expertise help students to understand the concepts of their chosen subject well.

5. Experience best school life: School life is one of the greatest assets of the school. Students soon get to know each other and teachers get to know students individually, which enables them to understand their academic requirements and respond to them.

6. Unmatched resource centers: Nusrat provides its students unparalleled resources in support of their studies. The school possesses the finest libraries and laboratories. Students have access to resources across the school: unmatched libraries, sports facilities, laboratories, language-learning opportunities, computer and equipments.

7. Diverse study environment: Nusrat offers a diverse study environment to its students. The School has long experience of helping students settle in, academically and socially, so they are soon able to make notable contribution to their department.

8. Clubs, societies and events: With clubs, societies and events organised by the school, Nusrat has vibrant style that targets all students.

9. Class rooms: Nusrat have the best structures, the class facilities are designed in way that students move freely without disturbance.

10. Excellent employment record: Nusrat has a very excellent graduate employment record. Employers recognize that Nusrats's academic excellence give students various skills, as well as deep understanding in their chosen subjects.

11. No discrimination: It is a co-educational institution without any discrimination based on clan, colour, creed, gender, race or nationality and is run under strict rules of discipline and academic performance.

12. School administration. Under the dynamic leadership of his splendor Mr. Bojang, the administration is designed in a way that motivates both the staff and student to accomplish their mission and vision statement.

“I’m proud to be a Nusraterian and at Nusrat it doesn’t matter who you are, Nusrat School welcomes everyone”

By: Saidina Alieu Jarjou
Alias Dr.ABS Taal Jr.

Friday, 3 February 2017


Election related violence according to Ladan (2006) could be categorised into physical and psychological. Physical election violence including physical attack, resulting into assault, battery, grievous bodily harm or death, disruption and other campaign, use of abusive language and other forms of violence inflicted on individuals and groups. Psychological election violence include indiscriminate pasting of campaign posters, chanting slogans (particularly the use of local poets and singers to attack and abuse opponents), intimidation of public servants and businessmen for opposing the status quo or the incumbent administration, use of the media (especially state owned) to inflict psychological violence on the opposition and the denial of access to such media by the opposition parties, reckless driving by those in a procession to campaign rallies, which intimidate other road users and the use of traditional ruler to intimidate the masses into electing particular preferred candidates.

Democratization has soared on the continent of Africa. Democracy has been embraced by all and sundry. Democracy has given the power to rule to the people. A fundamental bed rock of democracy is the election of political leaders through the electoral box. (Henry Quaii,2015)

Electoral process gives the citizenry the sole right to elect their preferred political leaders. As if this is not enough, electoral process in Africa have most often been characterized by violence at various stages, from pre-election, during elections and post elections. This electoral process which give rights to the people to govern themselves is been challenged by the threats to security, peace and development.

Electoral violence in an African election can be seen manifested in various forms as physical assaults, arson (the illegal use of fire to destroy a house, building or property), snatching of ballot boxes and murder.

 Can Africa boast of a stable democracy for ones? One might be quick to ask; what are the factors that might instigate all these electoral violence?
Again, it could be captured across the streets of Africa that electoral violence is been instigated as a result of the culture of impunity. The ineffectiveness and malfunctioning of the security forces also give people the impetus to stage electoral violence. The ineffectiveness especially on the part of the police service is a major factor which encourages electoral violence. Pre-electoral violence is often associated with killings but the police service always fails to get to the root of those killings. This failure seems to be creating a culture of impunity and motivation for recurrence of crimes and violence in our society.

Electoral violence is not been met with strong criminal codes in Africa. Weak penalties or punishment for violators of electoral process also give room for more crimes to be committed. Penalties or punishment are intended to achieve correction, retribution and deterrence. Most countries in Africa lack legislation against perpetrators of certain electoral offences. This poses African election to all forms of crimes and violence.

Weak governance and corruption can also instigate electoral violence. Corruption can set the stage for structural violence. Weak governance and corruption make people feel desperate enough to seek any means of revenge against political authority including violence. Small arms proliferation in African countries is on the increase. Possession of arms leads to the perpetuation of violent conflict and the creation of new cycles of violence and crime.

Leadership must come and go the Africa is a continent that should prepares succession through the preparation of second and third layer leadership. I agreed with the position of mystic philosopher of the Zhou dynasty, Lao Tzu, when he said, “To lead the people, you have to walk behind them”.

The real trick to good governance is to place the needs of the masses above everything else; to lead not just with words but with action. Actions define priorities. It’s the only way politicians can successfully bring us the long sought dividend of democracy.

Hence to resolve political violence, accountability, social justice, transparency, rule of law, gender equality and due process must guide governance and leadership in Africa. Electoral reforms must include other things as mass education. There must be some level of education for the citizenry to know who is a registered and considered as an eligible voter under the laws of the land.

I dreamt of Africa that would one day have one currency one President and one government which will preside over this continent. Because in any way we are one, this borders of Africa were imposed on us by the colonizers, we need leaders who are going to lead us to that drain where there would be one Africa.


Alias Dr.ABS Taal Jr.


The term coalition is derived from the Latin word ‘coalition’ meaning to go or grow together. Thus it means an act of coalescing or uniting into one body or alliance. It indicates the combination of a number of bodies or parts into one body or whole. In the political sense it is used to indicate an alliance or temporary union between various political groups for the exercise or control of political power.

Professor Ogg defines coalition in the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, as “cooperative arrangements under which distinct political parties or at all events members of such parties unite to form a Government or Ministry”.Thus, it can be said that result of the exigencies of competitive multi-party system in a parliamentary democracy is coalition. It is a phenomenon where more than two political parties come together to form a government , sinking their basic ideological differences in the event of the inability of any single party to command a workable majority in the lower House of the legislature.(Srividya Sastry, 2014)

As there is power sharing, different views of different coalition parties have to be accommodated leading to delay decisions e.g long delay of bills. Coalition politics though representing regional character better, often leads to unstable government, increase horse trading, more corruption. (Mairead Finley, 2012).

The coalition does not provide one party with the power to implement their ideas so the end result is that very few ideas, if any, are implemented because an agreement cannot be reached between parties. The idea behind a coalition government is that it is to be a partnership between parties, and both parties will be treated equal.

Another problem found in a coalition government is that there is a great deal of instability within the government. It is important for coalition governments to set up procedures that can work through conflict and mitigate disputes in order for the coalition partnership to survive. It is difficult to achieve true unity between disparate parties, leading to little action from the government.

Coalition government is actually less democratic as the balance of power is inevitably held by the small parties who can barter their support for concessions from the main groups within the coalition. Can lack clear objectives, or be difficult to agree common objectives.

Coalition government is less transparent. Because a party has no real chance of forming a government alone, the manifestos they present to the public become irrelevant and often wildly unrealistic. Real decisions about political programmes are made after the election, in a process of secretive back-room negotiation from which the public is excluded.

Coalitions provide bad government because they are unable to take a long-term view. Sometimes an ideological compass is necessary for governments to navigate in difficult political and economic waters, and coalitions lack such a unifying philosophy. In addition planning for the long-term often requires decisions to be made that are unpopular in the short-term. Coalitions often fail such tests because temporary unpopularity may encourage one of the parties involved to defect, in search of a populist advantage. May be dominated by one powerful organization. Power is not always distributed equally among members; larger or richer organizations can have more say in decisions making.

The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been and enhancing competence in climbing the ladder of success!!

By: Saidina Alieu Jarjou
Alias Dr.ABS Taal JR.


To: President Macky Sall, the President of Senegal
From:   Saidina Alieu Jarjou, the Ghetto Spokesperson

Date: 03rd February, 2017

Re: Cassamance the untold story

As per caption refers. Casamance region which is in the southern region of Senegal which, although connected in the East to Senegal, is separated from the rest of Senegal by the Gambia. The Casamance Conflict is a low-level conflict that has been waged between the Government of Senegal and the Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC) since 1982. As a result the area is unstable and you being the president have a role to play too, as you just did recently in the Gambia as per the political impasse.

Mr. President I refer you to your promises you made during the campaign period in the cassamance soil that if voted to office the people of cassmance will have their independence? Some might called you as the champion of conflict resolution in the Gambia, but I say no to that as “charity begins at home”   as thousands of cassamance people are homeless

It is true that in the Darfur killing it was written and in Cassamance it is being sealed: How many shall join the hundreds of thousands, who have already perished, and how many shall be born into a horrible life, who shall live and who shall die,

In the Libya killing it was written and in Cassamance it is being sealed: who shall be raped and who shall be tortured, who shall perish by sword and who by bullets, which village shall be burned and which forest shall be looted,

In the Somalia killing it was written and in Casamance it is being sealed: who will make it to the refugee camp and who will die on the route, which will die by hunger and who by thirst, who by disease and who by plague,

In the Liberia killing it was written and in Cassamance it is being sealed: Who will have their food rations cut and who will get enough food for another day, whose child will die and whose will survive.

In the Rwandan killing it was written and in Cassamance it is being sealed: who will remain silent and who will scream for action who will be complacent and who will have moral courage who will cave in to despair and who will be elevated by hope.

The real trick to good governance is to place the needs of the masses above everything else; to lead not just with words but with action. Actions define priorities. It’s the only way politicians can successfully bring us the long sought dividend of democracy. It is time for all Africans leaders to come up with tangible solutions in order to liberate the people of cassamance in order to live in peace and stability. What this tomorrow looks like depends on our action today

I dreamt of Cassamance that would one day have its currency, President and a government which will preside over the affairs of the country. As they have leaders who are going to lead them to that drain where there would be cassamance a country of its own.

By using our voices on paper, exercising our power and demanding action through nonviolence can help cassamance gain independence NOW !!.

By: Saidina Alieu Jarjou
Alias Dr.ABS Taal Jr.


This is now the talk of the town as many Gambian both those home and abroad are registering their total dissatisfaction as per the new Gambia government appointment of it vice president Fatoumata Tambajang, youth deem it necessary for their voice to be heard as a result of sowing it to the whole world on the social media especially on Facebook.

In another development Lessyjr Ljr wrote “If the constitution of the Gambia stated that the newly select vice president (Fatoumatta Tambajang) is unqualified to the post due to her age. I therefore plead to president elect Adama Barrow to get her out of the office otherwise there will come a time at the right time we will get you and her out of office no doubt. We voted you in to do justly with the law and not to double-cross it by any means. If you want to sideline the laws of the Gambia for favoritism we will get you out and your vice president democratically someday. Gambians expect you to rule by setting up what the constitution demands. Gambians have learnt and become very aware so beware we can take you out when you fail one statement of the laws. There are so many Gambians who are fit, competent and qualify for the VP post. Mr. President you need to rearrange and put in order the VP post constitutionally...

 He further more highlighted that the law was implemented and should be respected. Laws shouldn't be alter anyhow freely. Though I'm not against the fact that some laws could be impose derived from the consent of the governed (The people) but once it is implemented it should be respected. Not anyone who comes in power should be altering our laws like clothes he/she puts on” (LessyJr Ljr)

Pata Pj in his part “WE STILL CAN'T SPELL 'EHEM!'They had 24 hours to put a most urgent and important Constitutional confusion in a body bag at the press conference I'd just gotten to watch. Spokesperson Hon. Halifa did not answer nor tell us what President Barrow said. He didn't help the confusion. Advisor Hon. Mai Fatty would've given an answer and be categorical. Good or bad, we'd have gotten us one. So I hope President Barrow can pass Jammeh's test and finally spell EHEM!. Or is it AHEM!? (Pata PJ)

Manga a renounced youth activist on his part “Appointments to nonpolitical positions must be diverse. Religion, ethnicity, physical disability, etc must not be a factor. Merit based. Even if its Former President Jammeh's brother should be appointed if he gets the merits”. (Prince Almameh James Manga)

In another development form the leading online news outlet “Omar Ann is a popular political commentator. He is Tambajang’s son. At a guess, we would say he’s in his 50s. To those of you who are still insisting that our new VP, Fatoumatta Tambajang is 63, here is another proof for you. Now, do the Maths We are not lawyers, but we strongly believe that no issue in this country is beyond the capacity of our constitution and democratic system to address. Can you please show us Tambajang's birth certificate or school transcripts? Said by (What's On – Gambia)

The media also highlighted that “Gambian bi dafa buga palasss! One of the main reasons why Jammeh was able to stay for 22 years. Ma'neh, let no one fool you. Tambajang is more than 65 - constitutionally unqualified to be our Vice President. What nonsense vetting committee are they talking about? Show us her BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Not I.D card, please! Read here more about Tambajang's controversial appointment and her link with the former government”. (What's On – Gambia)

Ababakr a renowned human right activist and a lawyer by profession mentioned in various development that “Constitution of the Gambia is not perfect but it is one of the best in the world. Jammeh abused it because he is intimidated by it.I stated emphatically that the 1997 Constitution is not Jammeh’s Constitution, The age limit in the Constitution is not one of the amendments made by the Jammeh regime. Our coalition leaders know better. If you below 18yrs you won't vote. If you 71 you can't be a judge. If you above 65 you can't be vice-president or president. (Ababakr Sidiq Azain)

According to Melville Robertson Roberts on her part she wrote on her Facebook page “I have seen the actual birth certificate of the vice president. it’s an old old document dated and registered way back in 1977 when I am 100% sure that she never ever conceived the idea of getting into politics nor becoming the vice president of the Gambia. And may I add that I am very satisfied with this as the age limit was only included in our laws in 1997 when the constitution was born. Her year of birth is 1953!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“I had said in my post of 2 days ago that a woman of her caliber armed with integrity, grace, wisdom, knowledge, humility and with vast experience in public life would find no reason to lie just for a position as vice president. I am yet to meet any human being so humble and god fearing. Let’s move on to the next item Gambia. This one is done deal”.
“P.s.. My friends and people who know me well can attest to the fact that I will not lie for any man. I have no reason to. I say things as they are regardless of who is concerned or affected”. ( Melville Robertson Roberts)

Hydara in his part mentioned that “it has always been my argument that THE CONSTITUTION OF THE GAMBIA IS TOO GOOD FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE GAMBIA. If our leaders who are supposed to DEFEND the Constitution decide Not to RESPECT it, then, they lack both legal and moral authority to tell anyone to respect it. That is highly DANGEROUS as it opens up the floodgate for others not to respect it. Consequently, it leads to LAWLESSNESS. We are not asking for TOO MUCH. We want TRANSPARENCY. Please, RESPECT THE DOCUMENT!!” (Sheriff Deeno Hydara)

Why not the coalition government come forward to clear our doubt as soon as possible, to minimise defects.

AlliasDr.ABS Taal Jr

Thursday, 2 February 2017

International Aid and Medias a treat to Africa’s development

Historically, the wildlife, natural resources, and culture have made Africa a highly valuable continent to the western world. Africa has gathered the attention of western tourists, western explorers, and western imperialists from all over. As such, Africa has been heavily influenced over time by western interests.

The parading of malnourished and naked African children in front of cameras and images of lions and gorillas in the jungle, have dominated most Western media news outlets over the past two decades. The presentation of African news by Western media convinces the audiences in United States, Europe and other parts of the world that the entire continent of Africa is hopeless, poverty and disease stricken. Images of skyscrapers, well developed road networks and other manifestations of modern development in most African countries are usually absent in the mindsets of Western media audiences. (Ahmed Mheta, 2015)

Western Medias when reporting tends to focus on the negative and not the positive. Bad news sells well. People feel better about their lives when they hear others have bigger problems than them. A European who's unhappy he can't get a mortgage, will, however unwittingly, likely see his life in brighter lights after watching footage of people with no electricity, no running water and little food to eat.

So when a foreign journalist enters a space in which he speaks the formal but only understands the informal, a great deal will necessarily be lost in translation. I believe that it is in this space that most of the mistakes occur when writing about Africa. I argue that most Western journalists who come to Africa believe that they can get by because they speak English or even Swahili, but never really get down to the essence of what it means to be a South Sudanese in war for instance, an essence that is fundamentally related to the ability to be able to switch between the three or four languages and their attendant identities. (Nanjala Nyabola, 2014)

Even before the age of exploration, countries have been acting based on their own personal interest. It was during the late 1800s that the western world really started to explore deeper into the heart of Africa. What the explorers found was an abundance of land and resources. The only thing standing in their way was a group of primitive people with spears, not guns. Through this technological advantage, Europe was able to successfully claim Africa, its people and its resources as its own. Seeking only to reap the economic and territorial advantages, settlers created quick local governments and didn’t bother industrializing Africa. When countries in Africa began to win their independence, these newly formed countries were left hundreds of years behind the western World, with corrupt governments in control.

 If foreign aid would develop any place, Africa will be the most developed continent in the world.
International AID is now doing more harm to Africa than good. It became the main tool used by foreign governments and organizations to corrupt the African elite, and get them to behave so irrationally toward their own populations and the basic interest of their countries.

Aside corruption and the criminality, International Aid is the root of the 5 Stars colonization disease that cripple the African elite which dislike the responsibility and the self-sacrifice that comes with being in control of a nation destiny. As far as they enjoyed the status offered by their positions, they never liked the responsibilities demanded by the jobs; therefore they use international aid programs as substitute to their responsibilities.

If Africa needs any aid, the most urgent one is to get rid of the 40 billion corruption industry (called International Aid) that shackles its youth and elite, cultivates and maintains the beggar mentality. How would you develop any country when the dream of the majority of its youth and elite is not entrepreneurship, innovation, education and self-sufficiency, but the dream to have a job with a humanitarian organization or to get their project financed by some International aid Agency or proxy?

“Global Lying System” (referring to the western Medias covering African news) is one of the biggest threats to peace and development in Africa.  The colonial heritage of those journalists (unless they are instructed to do so) makes them to see Africa only as a collection of tribes and focus their coverage on what they call as tribal issues. They create new realities like “People from the North” compared to “people from the South” or “people from the West”. They invent new divisions with creative imagination, like the Belgians falsely created the “Tutsi” and “Hutu” tribes in Rwanda which ultimately lead to the genocide in 1994.

The western medias seems to follow an agenda of further dividing African nations and populations with their constant framing of Africa through fight between tribes, religions, geography, etc. This must stop before African could unite to fight their way out.
The influence of western Medias in Africa is very negative, and could be considered as part of Africa problems.

The other negative effect of the western medias in Africa is that they tend to focus their attention on what the Europeans or the White people are doing in Africa or for Africa, and how they are saving Africa, therefore continuing to create the false impression that Africa is a hopeless place with lazy people that could be saved only by the white man.

What you often see is a white man helping African or an outsider making change in Africa. That’s bad, and perpetuates the feeling that Africans are incapable to solve their problem by themselves, and reinforce in the mind of the young people and generation “the white man as a savior” mentality. Very Bad!

Some Humanitarian organisation has done more damage to Africa than the marginal positive impact they supposedly have had. In order to raise money for their operations, they have engaged into a “poverty porn” depicting Africa with the most degrading, and humiliating images. African people dignity is not something they cared about. The huge billboard and magazines photos showing Africa at its worst now fill the mind of billions of people around the world, and unfortunately those people can’t help but think about Africa only trough those images.

In the same time, those Medias won’t show the photo of a dead American or English soldier, because it’s shocking and doesn’t respect human dignity.

Alias Dr.ABS Taal Jr. 


Ghetto: The etymology of Italian ghetto was formerly the subject of much speculation, but today there is little doubt that the word comes from the Italian dialect form ghèto, meaning “foundry.” A foundry for cannons was once located on an island that forms part of Venice, where in 1516 the Venetians restricted Jewish residence. The word ghèto became the name for the area and was borrowed into standard Italian as ghetto, with the meaning of “section of a city where Jews are forced to live.” From there it passed into most other European languages. Since the late 19th century.Whenever people hear the word ghetto immediately they associate it with sadness, negative stereotypes and death. A dark shadow is cast on anything identified as being ghetto and anyone from that environment is also deemed to have the same characteristics.

I’m not here to defend everything that happens in the ghetto. Yes, much of it can be unnecessary, destructive nonsense. Indeed there are many negative situations that are oversaturated in the ghetto. However, just as there are harsh consequences to having grown up in this environment there are also some benefits as well. There are many life coping character traits that are implanted in you from growing up in the hood. Many of these character traits are what make you stand strong among the weak and feeble. This is needed in today’s world where people are experiencing life situations that they thought they would never have to face. Which is why I stand by the belief that the ghetto does have its problems but you can find glimmers of happiness there well.

Growing up in a not so pleasant environment gives you the ability to handle stressful life situations without losing your mind. In the past you may have had situations where you and your family were with little food, bills were due with no way to pay them. These situations mold you into having the strength necessary to cope with future situations which may be less life threatening yet equally stressful. This give you the ability to handle anxiety and pressure without cracking under it and keeping a clear mind on your quest to find the best solution to that problem. This is what is needed when you are facing these situations. You need a clear mind that will not become foggy and cause you to lose touch with reality. Nope, you won’t catch me shooting up my job and co-workers if I lose it. Sure I would be upset, but I would simply pick myself up dust myself off and keep it moving with a new plan.

Time in the ghetto gives you the ability to blend in no matter where you are. Of course an important note to this is that the person must have spent some time outside of the ghetto in order to be able to master this chameleon affect. For instance, I grew up in the hood but graduated from the University of The Gambia. However, both of these experiences aided in molding me into being a multifaceted person. I can go to the most urban areas in any inner city to the suburbs to Street and feel the exact amount of comfort level in all places. Without ever once doubting who I am or feeling as if I am being phony or masquerading in any way. The truth is that the world is big and there is much more to it than your stoop, or your block. You have to be a master of yourself first and then you can master any environment you encounter.

At the Ghetto, members help and stand for one another interim of difficulties and formulate strategies, ideas on how to live with an amicable life.

Although I no longer live in the hood, I can still empathize with what is happening there and can connect on a deeper level with the people there and their lifestyles and experiences. It also is what gives me the skills I have today!!
“At the Ghetto low dreams are crime”
By: Saidina Alieu Jarjou

Alias Dr.ABS Taal Jr. 


The future of The Gambia lays on us the Gambians that one have to acknowledge, no one will come from nowhere to make the Gambia a better place for us. Gambians have to be very careful in consuming the negative ideas being ejected to us.  The Gambia is known for its peace for centuries in which some are not satisfied with it. Why? Because they are enemies of peace.

The fiascos of intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq discredited the notion of humanitarian militarism. The recent war in Libya has, however, put wind back into the sails of those who advocate military intervention in pursuit of liberal or humanitarian objectives. Calls for military action in Syria are getting louder, and Iran is also increasingly being viewed through the cross hairs.

Are we today on the verge of a new round of foreign intervention? A sober debate over military intervention might benefit from a brief look back into history. After nearly two centuries of bloodshed, the Treaty of Westphalia ended the nearly continuous series of wars involving the Holy Roman Empire, France, Spain, Sweden, the United Netherlands and several European city-states. Crucial to the treaty was the notion of sovereignty: states could no longer legitimately meddle in the internal affairs of other states.

We are seriously concerned over the trend towards the normalization of military intervention into situations designated as humanitarian crises. The world must not be allowed to return to the situation before 1940, when international law was little more than ink on paper. The discontent of (parts of) a population in a given country cannot be used as an excuse to destabilize, attack or occupy weaker countries, thereby undermining the international legal order.

 Humanitarian interventions are often defended under the premise that all else has been tried and failed. In reality, it is usually the Western powers that undermine a negotiated settlement, or fail to give negotiations a reasonable chance. This was the case in Kuwait (1990), in Somalia (1993) and in the former Jugoslavia (1996-1999). It also holds true over the past decade. The South African president did not complain without reason to the UN Security Council, arguing that the African Union had been pushed aside in the search for a negotiated settlement in Libya. Moreover, the West continues to fuel conflict by arming, training and financing one (or more) of the conflicting parties. Also has demonstrated very well its dangers and capacity for catastrophic failure.

We cannot accept that the West compensates for its waning global power by using humanitarian military interventions as a cover for pursuing geostrategic interests. We can no longer look on passively as powerful economic interest groups set out to conquer the world "in our name." We stand against the politics of intervention, even when it wraps itself in the cloak of humanitarianism. A wolf remains a wolf, even when dressed in sheep's clothing. (Ludo De Brabander, 2012)

If military intervention the solution to the current political situation?

How many shall die?
How many shall make it to the refugee camps?
How many shall lose their business?
How many shall be homeless?
How many shall be raped?
How many shall commit suicide?
How many shall be separated from their families and loves ones?
How many shall migrate?
How many shall live in hunger?
how many shall take the gun to retaliate? 
How many pregnancies shall be aborted?
How many shall be crying both day and night?
And how many of our resources shall be looted?

 Oh The Gambia, Oh The Gambia
The Land of Peace, The Land of humanity
The land of all race and the land of love
I was born and heard the name of the smiling cost of Africa 
I tough I shall live and narrate the meaning to my son Zakir

 What a situation we are experiencing
where each and every junction on the street are with soldiers with AK.47's,
Oh The Gambia where are we heading to? Is this the Gambia we want to see?

I wish I could wake up not to see a Soldier with a gun
Oh you Mr.Gun I am not afraid of you but afraid of the person holding you. I pray to God to take your life today Mr.Gun

Oh, Mr.Gun, why are you a treat to mankind?
Why, do you want to take advantage?
Oh, Mr Gun why can't we be friends, 
to leave peacefully like family without harming one another?

Let me call the Angel of Peace,
Hello the Angel of Peace, where are you?
Are you not hearing the news of the current political situation in The Gambia?
Are you not informed about the issue?
Please be informed of it now the Angel of Peace.

Oh you the angel of peace come now and save us
come and guide us, come and saw us the way out
For the Gambia our home land!!

I may never be President of The Gambia, but at least I have earned unreserved rights to good governance by virtue of my citizenship and my law-abiding nature. I, hereby, do solemnly pledge to consistently and continually fight for this noble right of mine, along with those who care to join me.

Finally, at the end of the day, military intervention does nothing to resolve the underlying reasons for conflict. More often than not, conflict is the result of poverty or socio-economic Inequality, which in turn has its origins in destabilizing agricultural, trade and debt policies emanating from Western dominated institutions. The resources wasted on military intervention might otherwise have sufficed to pursue policies aimed at social development, which might in turn have contributed to the prevention of violence.

“The Gambia belongs to us The Gambians, both those home and abroad and by putting our thoughts on paper we shall be heard”


Alias Dr.ABS Taal Jr.